Finding or talking to my attorney

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Finding/Talking to my attorney


When contacting LOPD, call or visit the LOPD office in the county in which you are facing charges. Click Here for LOPD Offices

If you are calling to see if you are eligible for a public defender, ask the receptionist to connect you to the Eligibility Team.

If you already know you have an attorney but you don’t know who is assigned to your case, call or visit the LOPD office in the county in which you are facing charges. Go HERE to find the office and phone number. When you call or visit, tell the receptionist what type of charge you are facing and your name and case number, if you have it. They will connect you with your legal team or provide their contact information.

If you need to talk to your attorney but don’t know their contact information, call or visit the LOPD office in the county in which you are facing charges and ask the receptionist for help contacting your attorney. 

Please understand that legal teams who are in trial or meeting with other clients may not immediately return phone calls. If you have not received a phone call in a reasonable time, contact the attorney or their supervisor by calling the office and asking to be put in touch with your attorney or their supervisor.