Juvenile Unit

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  2. Juvenile Unit

For juveniles in Albuquerque, contact

David Richter (505) 219-2865

Paralegal Shannon Armijo 505-219-2854

For juveniles outside of Albuquerque, contact your local public defender office or your local court.

Abuse & Neglect (English)

Abuse & Neglect (Spanish)

Delinquency (English)

Delinquency (Spanish)

What to expect if your child is being investigated for an alleged criminal act:

A Public Defender (PD) is a state-appointed attorney. Juvenile clients DO NOT have to apply for a Public Defender. By law, all juveniles are assigned a Public Defender as their attorney when a Petition is filed in Children’s Court.

  • Neither you nor your child have to participate in an investigation. This means DO NOT answer any questions about the incident without an attorney!
  • Your child will not be assigned a Public Defender until a Petition is filed.
  • The Petition is the charging document alleging that your child has committed a delinquent (criminal) act.
  • In Children’s Court, a crime is referred to as a delinquent act.
  • If your child is being investigated but has not been charged with a delinquent act you have two options: Consult your public defender or hire a private attorney.
  • BEFORE speaking with ANYONE about the incident, especially police, detectives, deputies, investigators, probation officers or educators (if the incident occurred at school).

What rights does your child have:

If your child is being accused of committing a delinquent act, it is important to understand that they have Constitutional Rights available to them, commonly referred to as Miranda Rights:

  • The RIGHT to an attorney. This is essential, it is not enough to have a parent/guardian present when a child is being investigated/questioned
  • The RIGHT to remain silent
  • The RIGHT to confront their accusers and ask them questions
  • The RIGHT to present their own evidence and witnesses, and
  • The RIGHT to appeal – what does this mean?

If your child chooses to go to trial and present a defense and the judge or a jury finds that they DID commit the delinquent act(s) your child can ask that a higher court take a second look at the case.

Police often rattle off these rights so quickly that the child doesn’t understand.

It is important NOT to agree to WAIVE these rights or sign a WAIVER of these Constitutional Rights.

Know whom you are talking to:

When a child is being investigated, you and/or your child may be contacted by several people who may refer to themselves as:

  •  Police
  •  Sheriff
  •  Detectives
  •  Investigators
  • Probation Officers
  • District Attorney or Children’s Court Attorney in Children’s Court

What are their roles:

  • Police/Sheriff/Detectives/Investigators – To investigate if an allegation that a crime (or delinquent act in Children’s Court) has been committed

Do you or your child have to speak with them? NO!

Remember your child has the right to remain silent!

  • District Attorney/Children’s Court Attorney – The person/entity responsible for deciding if a criminal case (or delinquent case in Children’s Court) should be filed against the child

Do you or your child have to speak with them? NO!

Remember your child has the right to remain silent!

  • Probation Officers – To determine if a case should be referred to the District Attorney or Children’s Court Attorney for filing and to conduct a Preliminary Inquiry to gather information about you and your child, which will be used against them later

Their main objective is to do what is “in the best interest of the child” That DOES NOT mean do what the child wants

Do you or your child have to speak with them? NO!

Remember your child has the right to remain silent!

  • Public Defender/Attorney – These are one in the same, and this is the ONLY person that you or your child should be talking to, because their only job is to DEFEND your child and do what your child wants

This is the only person who MUST keep anything that your child tells them confidential.

What if my child answered questions without an attorney or agreed to waive their Miranda Rights?

    Don’t worry. We can still help. Just call our office and ask to speak with an attorney.



    12th Judicial District
    2395 N. Florida

    Alamogordo, NM 88310


    2nd Judicial District
    505 Marquette NW, Ste. 120

    Albuquerque, NM 87102


    11th Judicial District
    300 Gossett Drive

    Aztec, NM 87410


    5th Judicial District
    211 North Canal

    Carlsbad, NM 88220


    9th Judicial District
    800 Pile, Suite A

    Clovis, NM 88101


    11th Judicial District
    285 Boardman Drive Suite B

    Gallup, NM 87301


    5th Judicial District
    419 West Cain Street

    Hobbs, NM 88240

    Las Cruces

    3rd Judicial District
    505 S. Main Street, Suite 121

    Las Cruces, NM 88001


    9th Judicial District
    100 S. Avenue A

    Portales, NM 88130


    5th Judicial District
    Sunwest Centre

    500 N. Main, Suite 105
    Roswell, NM 88201


    12th Judicial District
    206 Sudderth Dr.

    Ruidoso, NM 88345

    Santa Fe - Trial and Administration

    1st Judicial District
    301 N. Guadalupe Street

    Santa Fe, NM 87501

    Santa Fe - Appellate Division

    1st Judicial District
    1422 Paseo de Peralta Blgd. 1
    Santa Fe, NM 87501

    Santa Fe - Espanola Satellite Office

    1st Judicial District
    1127 Santa Clara Peak Rd

    Espanola, NM 87532


    8th Judicial District
    105 Sipapu St.

    Taos, NM 87571

    District Offices

    12th Judicial District
    2395 N. Florida
    Alamogordo, NM 88310
    (575) 551-7209

    2nd Judicial District

    505 Marquette NW, Ste. 120
    Albuquerque, NM 87102
    (505) 369-3600

    11th Judicial District

    300 Gossett Drive
    Aztec, NM 87410
    (505) 386-4060

    5th Judicial District

    211 North Canal
    Carlsbad, NM 88220
    (575) 887-0224

    9th Judicial District
    800 Pile, Suite A
    Clovis, NM 88101
    (575) 219-6323

    11th Judicial District
    285 Boardman Drive Suite B
    Gallup, NM 87301
    (505) 726-4534

    5th Judicial District
    419 West Cain Street
    Hobbs, NM 88240
    (575) 263-2272

    3rd Judicial District
    505 S. Main Street, Suite 121
    Las Cruces, NM 88001
    (575) 541-3193

    9th Judicial District
    100 S. Avenue A
    Portales, NM 88130
    (575) 219-6317

    5th Judicial District
    Sunwest Centre
    500 N. Main, Suite 105
    Roswell, NM 88201
    (575) 208-1655

    12th Judicial District
    206 Sudderth Dr.
    Ruidoso, NM 88345
    (575) 257-3233

    1st Judicial District
    -Trial and Administration
    301 N. Guadalupe Street
    Santa Fe, NM 87501
    (505) 395-2888

    -Appellate Division
    1422 Paseo de Peralta Blgd. 1
    (505) 395-2890

    -Espanola Satellite Office
    1127 Santa Clara Peak Rd
    Espanola, NM 87532
    (505) 395-2888


    8th Judicial District
    105 Sipapu St.
    Taos, NM 87571
    (575) 613-1364